This is The Black Pearl after it sailed from the Canary Islands across the Atlantic to Brazil then to Surinam and Aruba. 1989/90/91

This picture was taken as the Black Pearl sailed across the equator. 1989

Below is the "Havik" Our first headquarters.


Blue Melody
Befor I got to Aruba some of the Highlights from my Trans
Atlantic Sailing Voyage from the Canary Islands, to Brazil,
the Amazon rain forest and in to the Caribbean and Aruba.
Black Pearl In Aruba.
A collection off past time photos of Aruba, my sailing trip to Aruba, the boats glory days, and lots more
This Catamaran from the U.K Was made to sail around the world and be a adventures dream..known as the" Black Pearl"
When I found this Boat on the Canaries-Islands, it had every thing I needed, just like the Robinson Crusoe story, you know, like; Tools and rope, nets, sails, machetes, stuff you are going to need for a trip like, I was about to under take....
The catamaran was made with a Polynesian style hull and a Polynesian Catch mainsail. Not a cruise ship, really..However I was going to find out in the now 21 years, that it was the right vessel for the job, open and ready for any kind of tropical sailing condissions.
I sailed Trans Atlantic to Brazil and after 3 years sailed on to Aruba..

Left you see the boat on a postcard in a small port on the Island of Fuertaventura in the Canary islands.
Left you see The Havic, a boat Albert was living on for 4 years with Miranda.
Pearl sailed North coast off Brazil.
Then on to Suriname, and Aruba.
Thank you......
In Loving memory of Miranda.
And My Mother.

Below pictures from a Dutch wind Surf magazine ( that is me after I sailed the Atlantic to Brazil and on to Aruba)